Today was pre-school day. Ezra has started going to a co-op pre-school on Fridays. There are eight two-year olds and eight moms. We take turns teaching and the rest of the moms get two hours without their kid each week. The kids all go to sunday-school together as well, so they see each other pretty regularly.
One of the little girls in the pre-school is named Dora, and Ezra has taken quite a liking to her. She is full of spunk, as cute as can be, and well... I think quite a handfull. On Ezras first day of pre-school, the two of them locked themselves in Dora's bedroom with someone else's backpack- they stuffed their mouths with what they could of the poor little girls snack before Doras mom and I were able to get into the room... the other little girl never had a clue.
Last week Ezra told me that when he grows up Dora is going to be his wife. He walked around for the rest of the morning talking about marrying Dora, and told me that they would have a wedding! He's only two years old- what is he going to be like when he's sixteen?
All that was to say that Dora was home sick today and Ezra didn't get to see her. Poor thing.