Thursday, April 21

schedule of a momma

forty-five minutes
three people (two in diapers)
three diaper changes (two poopy)
seven outfits (three mine)
four outfits soaked by bodily fluids mostly from the nether-regions
two of them mine (not my bodily fluids)
three people, one shower, lots of soap

so, how's your day going?

1 comment:

Jeana said...

Hahaha, I almost expelled bodily fluids from my nether-regions from laughing so hard! Oh, Melissa, I think every mom has been's so good that you can put in such a humorous way. Hey, I have to say, I've read a couple of your comments on Tre's and MumJones blogs...You, my friend, are a WISE WOMAN. I appreciate reading your thoughts, so keep it up. =D