Wednesday, December 6

Introducing... Asher Josiah Brewster

Our little Asher was born at 8:33 am on Tuesday morning... 7 lbs 11 oz, 20 1/4" and possessing all the fingers and toes that one might expect.

Asher was our third breech baby -- and our second double footling. About two weeks ago he flipped head-down, but four days later decided that upside-down isn't all it's cracked up to be and flipped back to breech. So the C-section was scheduled for Tuesday morning. The spinal didn't go too smoothly -- it took about 45 minutes (and several pokes) before the anesthesiologist was able to get it in. Once that was out of the way the surgery itself was fairly textbook.

I went ahead and snapped away once the action got started... First out was one little foot, then one more:

The cord was wrapped around his neck (loosely), but once they got it untangled it was time to sit him up so he could see the world:

That was one of the strangest sights I have ever seen. Less than 5 seconds after being pulled out, there he was, completely silent, just sitting calmly and surveying his new domain.

Over to the warming table we went to get him wiped down and checked out. Ten fingers, ten toes, and eyes definitely not adjusted to the light of "outside" yet. Once I shaded his eyes he was ready to look at me:

The rest of the surgery went perfectly fine -- once Asher had been given the nurse's seal of approval I brought him over by Mel and we waited things out together while the surgeon put everything back together:

Momma and baby are both doing well now. Mel had a bit of a time coming off of the anesthesia (she spent a bit of the morning puking), but since then things have been really smooth. Asher has been living up to his name ("blessed"/"happy") and seems to be a pretty easy-going guy (although as I type this he is trying to prove me wrong on that count). He has taken well to nursing and even let us get some sleep last night.

Alright, here's the part where we ditch the yakkin' altogether and get down to that staple of parents everywhere, the gratuitous overload of pictures just for the sake of showing off the little guy -- enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Jed! Congratulations to you both--you especially Melissa. God brought you to mind often and I prayed, knowing your suffering of being so sick. What a blessing to have a healthy baby to show for it! What an amazing miracle to be a part of! Blessings, susan-for the Muchler's

Kelly said...

What a beautiful baby! Good job, Melissa. :) (You, too, Jed!) I tried to call, but I can't find your number. And you moved to I don't know where so I can't write... give me a call when you have a second, okay?
~ Kelly :)